Welcome to TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot, an interactive and feature-rich bot designed to enhance your Discord server experience. This page provides an overview of the bot’s key features and functionalities, as well as information about its development and usage.

About TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot

TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot is a powerful and versatile bot that offers a range of exciting features to keep your Discord community engaged and entertained. Developed by a team of passionate developers, this bot aims to bring fun and utility to your server.

Link to Github

Key Features

YouTube Integration

Stay up-to-date with TheCyberFlash’s YouTube channel directly from Discord! The bot automatically fetches the latest video from TheCyberFlash’s channel and shares it with your server. Keep your community informed about the latest content with ease.

Community Games

Engage your members with fun and interactive community games! TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot includes a Rock Paper Scissors game that allows users to play against the bot. Keep track of wins, losses, and points to see who comes out on top!

Miscellaneous Features

The bot also offers various other features, including:

  • Subscribers Count: Get the total number of subscribers on TheCyberFlash’s YouTube channel.
  • Subscriber Goal: Keep track of the progress towards the subscriber goal.
  • Member Goal: Stay updated on the progress towards the member goal.
  • Streaming Schedule: Access TheCyberFlash’s YouTube channel streaming schedule.
  • Leaderboard: Display the Rock Paper Scissors leaderboard to showcase top players.

How to Use TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot

To use TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot on your server, follow these simple steps:

  1. Invite the Bot: Set up your own instance of the bot by creating a Discord bot through the Discord Developer Portal. Obtain the bot token and add it to the config.js file in the bot’s root directory.
  2. Install Dependencies: Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine and install the required dependencies using npm install.
  3. Configure the Bot: Customize the bot’s configuration in the config.js file to suit your server’s requirements. Set the appropriate Discord channel IDs, YouTube API key, and other settings.
  4. Start the Bot: Run the bot using the command node index.js.
  5. Invite to Server: Generate an OAuth2 URL using the Discord Developer Portal and invite the bot to your Discord server. Make sure to select the necessary bot permissions based on the features you want to enable.

Once the bot is invited to your server and running, it will be active and ready to respond to the specified commands.


TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. If you have ideas for new features or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Meet the Team

TheCyberFlash’s Discord Bot was solely developed by TheCyberFlash, a passionate solo gamer and professional software developer. By day, TheCyberFlash excels in the world of software development, and by night, they embrace the gaming world with a keen eye for detail and a desire to push the boundaries of the gaming experience.

Support and Contact

If you have any questions, feedback, or need support, please join our Discord server.

Link to Github